Friday 26 February 2016

warframe what a shocker!

 OK folks.  I decided I was going to prove to people who moan about there not being enough content a lesson and decided I was going to make a series of videos of free to play, straight out of the box games.  This is something you have never been able to have on previous consoles but I have to admit freemium and pay to win games send me crazy.  You normally have to spend more playing a freemium getting gems or doughnuts to actually get any game play which is usually more pricey that a brand new big budget game!

bad me for being set in my ways I guess because I have only managed to cover one of those games because it's just so good.  This game is warframe and yeah you do have time to wait when building some items, and yeah there are accessories for a price but that really doesn't matter.  What matters to me is gameplay and content which this game has in droves.

The only comparible game to this is destiny and in many ways it's similar.  This is third person but it's a shooter/beat em up epic online rpg with all the loot styles, raids, and planets as destiny does.  It even has the ship loading screen before you land on a planets!

 Before I go on I must put a disclaimer here just in case I get hate mail.  I was part of destiny from the beta, got the game and played it hard.  I did get enjoyment out of it but it was a little disappointing.  It ended far too soon, there seemed to be missing content, which made it a grind fest after rank 15, the planets were tiny maps (albeit beautiful) and the missions really didn't vary enough. Again I got my enjoyment out of the game but this was a massive buget title and it did fall short for the sixty quid I spent for it.

 That really is my point, game companies keep saying that it is so expensive making these games and they can't make better.  I do know a little what a game takes to make so I do in a way believe it but now, I'm calling shenanigans!  With huge budgets and the best game creators in the world, why aren't these games being made with more content?  They are pulling the wool over your eyes, I really believe that now.

 A free to play game that doesn't require payment, have more variation, characters, weapons, missions, quests, upgrades, clan social areas, in game codex and far more!  Yes I know destiny looked impressive and kudos to the art department but warframe looks amazing too!

Seriously folks this game is addictive, I have spent over ten hours and haven't conquered much at all.  More than I can say for firewatch which cost £14.99 and was over in about three hours, but that's a discussion for another time.  I may actually dare I say it? Yeah, I will definitely sink some cash in to warframe.

 Watch the little demo video I've put here and tell me what you think, I also have a playlist with the first few hours. 

 Thanks for reading folks

 Grumpy gamer

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