Thursday 1 December 2016

MissCalisi's PS-VR Journey


When I heard about PlayStation VR for the first time from my partner I didn't see it in the such an exciting way , or with such anticipation.I saw VR as a phase just as Pokemon go has become thoughout the last 6months and thought that maybe it just would not work as advertised .

Like when I'm watching a holographic concept for a new watch with a holographic touch base on your arm and you think "not in my lifetime " or " their never going to get that working in the next 5 years" .

I didn't feel the "OMG I WANT THAT" feeling until it was payday and we stepped in to a loacal retailer as I do normally looking for new games.  The lady working there explains they have a VR demo available in store (although for a price) so I thought why not? let's give this ago !

And that I did in a public store I was very nervous of making a fool of myself in public but then I thought who cares lets go for it so myself and grumpygamer accepted the Lady's offer of a demo .

As I was putting this contraption on I though omg so many wires then I looked at the screen and wow I was completely shocked and it hit me omg this is SOOO COOOOOOOL !.

My Demo was London heist - Using the ps4 as my controller it started off with a very simple task picking up an item ( first of all it was a can ) and in a small shop was rather a struggle to move the arms to do such a simple task.

  I got my partner to guide me so I didn't knock stuff off the shelves after 3 minutes I had succeeded the first task and found my ability to use the controller's successfully , Next task was to pick a weapon out of a lock box , load and place .

Watching Grumpy Gamer in his 5 minutes of game play was rather amusing by this time we already had started to gather a crowd of people wondering what the hell we were playing and smiling with joy at our reactions.

Grumpy Gamer played the Oceans Decent and his reaction was very surprising he loved the views the colours, texture in the design's of the sea creatures and his surroundings.

I could hear the joy in his voice and the whole time he wasn't a grumpygamer he was excited jumping for joy gamer !

His journey took him to the depths of the ocean where  you were lowered down on a cage to explore below and then a  shark came along.
I could see the instant reaction as it rather freaked him out but defiantly raised his heart rate which showed the realism he felt.

This game has such beauty and a wonderful beginner game to show what the PS vr is capable of .

You can see when playing for the first time the potential they could have with such a device and if you just watch you tube and type PSVR you can already see some upcoming ideas & concepts for new games and with the right attention you could create wonder's .

Although personally for myself the games they are releasing at the moment is just very stationary and SCI-FI games personally I'm not always into my space games as alot of them are samey in my opinion.

I was looking forward to the Martian game but then watched the reviews/saw the footage and became aparent it was just rehashed film clips.  It was lacking in game play and attention so I'm not against all space games but c'mon guys !

I need more stuff to play I'm hoping in the next 6 months I see an increase of content I actually would like to buy because at the moment it feels like I'm just buying demos and short games.
Its like going to the cinema and paying for a film that's 2hours long and only getting a 20minute clip its not enough and in bad quality.  You would want a refund and complain!  I think personally they are just trying to throw any projects at us without the work and think we will be happy with blocky / arcade games which I am not !

Looking forward to doing more reviews in 2017 with titles like - resident evil 7 , Star Wars Bridge crew ( a cooperative game at last )! & far point .

Its been a pleasure as always .. Blog you soon ! MissCalisi

Saturday 27 February 2016

Delayed grump of the week

Hello ladies and gents a little bit late on my second grump of the week but I've decided to have five minutes away from the console to have a chat with the world.
Another good gaming week and one of those where lack of sleep catches up with me because I'm sucked in to amazing worlds.  Talk about escapism I looked at the time while playing warframe and it was nearly 4am, oops!
Talking about warframe it's amazing and taken up most of my time just can't believe the content available for free, yeah it can be quite a grind but the rewards are worth it.  Nothing like making a new item and clicking on the claim button!
Then it come to firewatch a game I paid for but really didn't take up any time at all.  Both the partner and I felt a little ripped off and wished we could take back the purchase and put it elsewhere.  Dont buy it, watch it online it will take less time that a lord of the rings movie and has zero repeatability.  I have the full play through on my channel if you fancy a watch!
Next week though I should have played some far cry primal, finished episode four is strange and getting ready for the division!
Happy gaming folks chat soonGrumpy gamer 

Friday 26 February 2016

warframe what a shocker!

 OK folks.  I decided I was going to prove to people who moan about there not being enough content a lesson and decided I was going to make a series of videos of free to play, straight out of the box games.  This is something you have never been able to have on previous consoles but I have to admit freemium and pay to win games send me crazy.  You normally have to spend more playing a freemium getting gems or doughnuts to actually get any game play which is usually more pricey that a brand new big budget game!

bad me for being set in my ways I guess because I have only managed to cover one of those games because it's just so good.  This game is warframe and yeah you do have time to wait when building some items, and yeah there are accessories for a price but that really doesn't matter.  What matters to me is gameplay and content which this game has in droves.

The only comparible game to this is destiny and in many ways it's similar.  This is third person but it's a shooter/beat em up epic online rpg with all the loot styles, raids, and planets as destiny does.  It even has the ship loading screen before you land on a planets!

 Before I go on I must put a disclaimer here just in case I get hate mail.  I was part of destiny from the beta, got the game and played it hard.  I did get enjoyment out of it but it was a little disappointing.  It ended far too soon, there seemed to be missing content, which made it a grind fest after rank 15, the planets were tiny maps (albeit beautiful) and the missions really didn't vary enough. Again I got my enjoyment out of the game but this was a massive buget title and it did fall short for the sixty quid I spent for it.

 That really is my point, game companies keep saying that it is so expensive making these games and they can't make better.  I do know a little what a game takes to make so I do in a way believe it but now, I'm calling shenanigans!  With huge budgets and the best game creators in the world, why aren't these games being made with more content?  They are pulling the wool over your eyes, I really believe that now.

 A free to play game that doesn't require payment, have more variation, characters, weapons, missions, quests, upgrades, clan social areas, in game codex and far more!  Yes I know destiny looked impressive and kudos to the art department but warframe looks amazing too!

Seriously folks this game is addictive, I have spent over ten hours and haven't conquered much at all.  More than I can say for firewatch which cost £14.99 and was over in about three hours, but that's a discussion for another time.  I may actually dare I say it? Yeah, I will definitely sink some cash in to warframe.

 Watch the little demo video I've put here and tell me what you think, I also have a playlist with the first few hours. 

 Thanks for reading folks

 Grumpy gamer

Thursday 25 February 2016

free to play on ps4

When I was a young, more enthusiastic and less grumpy version of myself I would get consoles, my first being the original nes system.  If I was lucky, coming from quite a large family I would have maybe one game. Most of the time and through the many generations of consoles I would buy the console first and rent some games. 

when the ps3 came out, which was a very expensive console I couldn't afford a game and by this point the rental shops were pretty much gone.  I did get a healthy collection in the end, especially with PS plus which is now hundreds of gigs worth of gaming goodies.  So what about the ps4?

we have aload of people moaning that there aren't enough games and I think this is because the triple A games are being made at such a rate and quality that we are always hungry for more.  However Sony's newest machine has a number of games on its free to play section the moment you boot up the console and not paying a penny!   This would of sent ten year old me barmy with excitement.

so along with all the standard games I'm going to spend a little more time on the free to play selection and see what they are like.  The first two I am trying is warframe and war thunder, two similar sounding games but very different.  One is a space third person shooter the other a ww2 plane shooter.

I will give a review on both once I have delved more in to the nuts and bolts of the game but for now have a look at my first stream of warframe and let me know what you think of it.

 As always folks comment, subscribe and like I would very much appreciate it!

 Grumpy gamer

Monday 22 February 2016

Time to start my Firewatch

 "I was waiting for the twist and it just never came"


So I heard about this game on its E3 demo, loved the art design and potential awesome story got me excited from the very beggining.  So before I start my thoughts on this I have started streaming it and got most of the way through but my lovely lady had finished it so I have found out the ending, which prompted me to write this up.
The game sets the mood to start with quite effectivly, the art style even though is cartoony feels very real, effective and imersive.  You play as Henry who has a tragic start to the game and applys to be a firewatch employee to get some quiet contemplation.  This is where the game introduces you to Delilah and the story slowly gains pace which also gives you a moment to get used to your surroundings.


 The game does start slowly which I didnt mind, the actual world was beautifully crafted and the feel of isolation really sets the mood.  You really do feel alone and the game does make you feel vaunerable so when the creepy goings on start to kick in it really does have the desired effect.  Which is great story telling and something that you woud expect from a story game.


However the game starts gaining pace and the theories of what is going on will drive you mad.  I went from me/Henry is actually insane and imagining it to, its a conspiracy of scientists testing human emotion under duress.  So for this the game really shines but its also the big slap in the face, what happened to the story?  
Its like they had a huge underlying plot, I was waiting for the twist and it just never came.  Just as suddenly as the game gained pace it said here you go, heres the story and game over.  The ending to story was in fact very underwhelming and left me and my lady feeling a little ripped off.  This was more like an episode rather than a game and even though it was charged at just under fifteen pounds that didnt make you feel any less ripped off.  After all you can get walking dead series for about the same price!  There is not even a platinum trophy to make you want to have another go in order to trophy hunt.


In reality for me this is another wasted potential game, great mood, great art design, amazing acting that will make you laugh and gasp but ultimatly cut short.  A major disapointment that seems it was rushed out the door rather than reaching the amazing hight it really could of done.  

I have streamed the game and will continue to do so until the ending so if you would like a look please visit here and let me know your thoughts.

Signing off for now Grumpy Gamer yet again a little grumpy

Friday 19 February 2016

Grump of the week

Hello ladies and gents, I hope you have enjoyed 2016 so far?  Gaming wise I think it's already shaping up to be quite a year.  Last year was not so bad itself but we are now coming to the end of February and I never lack in content.  So what has been keeping me going on the console these last few weeks?

First off was the division beta!  Despite it being very short and skimmed of much of the  content the game actually does look promising.  It should of been called a playable teaser really or maybe the legendary fail of silent hills has destroyed that term for a little bit.  

The game does give you a glimpse of what is the to come and judging the division harshly based on the beta is probably a little unfair.  I do hope that they keep the game alive with content, add variation and give fans something to keep returning to rather than a week's worth of gaming and thanks for your cash as some games do, not mentioning names. 

The dark zone which is the divisions seamless multiplayer works well it has to be said.  You will find yourself getting paranoid of every agent that passes your way and will soon discover a team of folks or clever use of the provided emotes will ease the tension just a little.

One thing I do have to have a little grumpy about though is the whole competitors console getting it before another, in this case Xbox had it first.  It makes me wonder how much cash changes hands in order for people to go ner ner ner ner I got it before you.  Granted there will be exclusives games made specifically for the console and it's always been like that.  I am happy with that its brilliant go for it and get some awesome games out, but when back hander deals are being made to get dlc or beta access before the competitor it really seems not only very childish but also says to me that is funds and resources that could be spent elsewhere for better games.  Oh well maybe I am wrong but that's how it seems.

Another two little gaming treats happened last weekend the first of which is dying light the following and not only is it very substantial or even brilliant it's also about time!  I can't say how many times I have wandered the beautifully created harran just to have nothing to do.  Now with the free update which is available for everyone who owns dying light, you now have player made maps, new challenges, weapons, bounties and a mammoth 250 level legendary ranking system.  Not only that a day later and we are introduced to the actual following dlc which expands the story of Kyle crane, gives you new toys to play with, another skill tree and a huge countryside map.  Which if you owned the season pass you also got for free!

I think techland could be on to a winner here, just periodically release dlc to expand the playability free ones for dedicated players and new zones to attract newbies.  In the distance of harran you can see what looks like a massive city on fire now that would be worth me paying more to play more.  Making it all seamless so I could go from harran to country and city would be amazing.  Also I would like a sniper rifle introduced please :)

I have ranked up the skill tree, got two endings, found a few Easter eggs and recorded quite a bit of the footage for you guys to have a look at.  So what do you think to the following and division beta?   We're you happy or disappointed? What would you like to see more of?

I am also in the process of doing life is strange/game of thrones whole series playthroughs while covering the following dlc stuff and soon to be playing through firewatch so keep posted folks, subscribe and get chatting.

Signing off for this week grumpy gamer

(A few easter egg weapons that I have found) 

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Sherlock holmes crimes and punishments

New case Mr Holmes?

I do like a good murder mystery and played many over the years the pinnacle of the triple A being LA Noir of course but this time for me it was a lesser known title that I only heard a few murmurings of.

In all honesty it is up there with LA Noir and can really excel in many aspects.  The cases are entertaining, have multiple endings that actually feel different and give you a good variety in style.  The deduction space is also a great addition that LA Noir really could learn from if they ever do a sequel and the magnificent sherlock vision/imagination add more depth to the gameplay.

You also have the usual cast of Watson, Mycroft, Mrs Hudson and so on but seems to be missing Moriarty which was a shame.  Whether he appeared in the previous Sherlock title from this company I cant say but it would of been nice to have a couple of cases involving Sherlocks biggest adversary.

Then it comes to the content length, for most it would be a little short but for me I got a platinum in two playthroughs and attempted all the other endings which was fun and ample enough gameplay for me.  However some may not think so, you may be disappointed at the length of the game!

I have streamed this game on my channel and I am in the process of editing the entire thing but you can see the playlist here if you fancy a watch.  It is a mammoth watch but and enjoyable one none the less.

Thanks for reading folks

Grumpy gamer